McPherson Oil | Hills & Hollers

While working at digital marketing agency Blueprint Digital, I had the opportunity to work on this brand video for McPherson Oil. I directed the shoot and took the video through post-production with the help of an incredible team, including an account manager, a content writer and production assistants.

The shoot was scheduled out by the account manager, and the McPherson team was ready for us when we arrived on location. I directed interviews and b-roll of the facility, as well as handling a lot of the camera work. Most of the footage was capture with a Black Magic Ursa Mini, in a high quality 4k Pro-Res format.

In post, I arranged the interviews into a compelling narrative, presenting a picture of McPherson’s storied past and forward-looking future. I color-graded the footage to give the video a very cinematic feel, along with a cool acoustic soundtrack that exaggerated the rural southern vibes. This style of editing provided a few climactic moments that both helped move the story forward and give the viewer a sense of McPherson’s mission to continue being the stable, yet growth oriented company it strives to be.

McPherson was very happy with the final video!