Teplis Travel // White Paper Promo

While working at an agency, I was asked to create an animation for a marketing campaign to help Teplis promote a new white paper they had made. The white paper was targeted at CFO’s for large travel companies, offering helpful guidance on choosing a travel agency that was right for them.

The white paper had really great design, showing collages of landmarks from popular travel destinations around the world as backdrops surrounding the text. There were colorful geometric patterns and other design elements that provided me with a fantastic groundwork for basing my motion design and animation from.

I came up with the idea to fly through a collection of collages, themed according to regions across the globe. The goal was to have the viewer feel like they were traveling across the globe, and along the way they would see promotional callouts about what the could expect to learn from the white paper.

After hunting through hundreds of stock images, I landed on a select bunch that I knew would work well for creating my own destination collages. Some of the collage pieces, like the wheat field for the Americas collage, I had to create from scratch. For these I used a mix of rendered 3D elements, photoshop work, and composited stock elements.

After the assets were lined up, I comped them together and set them up in 3D space inside After Effects. To do this I first setup the camera layer, then brought in the elements 1 by 1 and composited them together within separate comps, making sure that the resolution was large and detailed enough to have an interesting and dynamic fly-through with the camera.

With this done, I comped all the collages together and animated the camera transitioning between them. I added in a logo animation, and music, and rendered out the final video.

Teplis absolutely loved the video! It was a huge win for Teplis and for our team, who were able to run a successful campaign with it.